Ok, Guys..
Let me to introduce myself. And I will Share a little about me. I hope you'll be the good reader.
My full name is Nur Jannah, but my friend always call me Dini. I'm the last child of Masalubu's Family, I was born on July, 20 1995 in Center Jakarta.
I'm a student in Institute Of Islamic State Sultan Amai Gorontalo.
Faculty Tarbiyah And Teacher Knowledge, in one of major that is in
English Departement Major.
Now I haven't parents anymore. Because my parents was died. I live in everywhere I want, coz my family it's too much. But sometimes I live in my first brother's house, in dulamayo village in bongomeme.
I have three brothers and one sister, i like them. The first brother's name is Abdul Mu'min. My first brother has a wife and has two girls children.
Now he is work in one of Religion Departement that is as a instructor K.U.A Gorontalo. The second brother's name is Mohammad Arif, now he has a wife and one girl child and he is work in center jakarta.
Now he is work in one of Religion Departement that is as a instructor K.U.A Gorontalo. The second brother's name is Mohammad Arif, now he has a wife and one girl child and he is work in center jakarta.
The third brother's name is Al-Taslimun, now he is work in supervisory committee elections gorontalo. And my sister now she is work in hypermart gorontalo city.
The first time I began to aspire to be a writer is when I sit semester 2 in college. Actually, I aspire to be a international bussinesswoman. But, I think it's too hard to reach it, so I just pray, hope, and do the best what I can do. And always believe to myself that my dreams will come true later.
Ok, I think just it. If you want to join with me, like my page fb Curhat Ku: Curhat Mu
Or you can join with me through :
Twitter: @JannahDini or @ImmawatiDini
Fb: Dini Aje (Nur Jannah) or Nur Jannah
Fb: Dini Aje (Nur Jannah) or Nur Jannah
E-mail: nurjannah_dini@yahoo.com or nurjannahdini@gmail.com
BBM PIN: 7d5ec5dc
BBM PIN: 7d5ec5dc
Don't forget to join in my bussiness http://komisigratis.com/?reg=nurjannah

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